
pan no:- AACTC9927G

80G Number:- AACTC9927GF2022801.

Trust no:- AAXCA6387N

Mast. Lekhana Shetty.


Baby , Lekhana Shetty. 
Age: 1 Years 4 Months | Disease: 1ST EPISODE OF NEPHROTIC SYNDROME ( LEAKING PROTEINS FROM THE KIDNEY ) 1st episode of Nephrotic syndrome (leaking proteins from the kidney) Lekhana shetty is just a 1 Year 4 months old baby suffering from 1ST EPISODE OF NEPHROTIC SYNDROME ( LEAKING PROTEINS FROM THE KIDNEY ) recently diagnosed at St.John's Hospital Bangalore.

The estimated Cost of the treatment is. Rs.2,50,000/-Lekhana shetty is just a 1 Year 4 months old baby from Belur Hassan Karnataka who has been diagnosed with  1st episode of Nephrotic syndrome ( leaking proteins from the kidney ) and She is being treated by Dr. Priya Pais. She suggested antibiotics and steroids.

The patient's family is from a rural background with low socioeconomic status. 
Due to the long stay in the hospital, the family is finding it difficult to manage the financial burden of treatment. His father is the only one who is an earning member. His salary is not enough for their day-to-day life. Meanwhile, this treatment cost is highly risky to face the expenses.Children’s Help and helpage Foundation is a Orphage Child Right Organization which works for Education, Health & Nutrition for Child, Other than this we work for early symptoms & Other Causes that are responsible for Heart Disease,Cancer & Other major disease. It is an independent organization,with no religious,political or governmental affiliations. 

Donation to children’s help and helpage foundation are Eligible for 50% tax Exemption under 80G of income Tax act 1950 THE CHEQUE / DD HAS TO BE IN THE FAVOUR OF “CHILDREN’S HELP AND HELPAGE FOUNDATION” : THANK YOU.CHILDREN'S HELP AND HELPAGE FPONDATION Happiness can be the result, not of spending more money on oneself,but rather of giving money away to others.

Banking details for IMPS/ NEFT/ RTGS

Account name ; Children's help and helpage foundation 
Account No: 40720499502.
IFSC Code: SBIN0006249                                   MICR : 
Type : Current account

CHEQUE PAYMENT SHOULD IN FAVOUR OF “Children's help and helpage foundation.

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