Age: 2.5 Years Old | Disease: Bood Cancer and tumer
Cost for the Treatment is around [6,00,000/-] 6 Lakhs
We request you to support 2.5 years old Baby Supriya Mandal.
cancer and tumor she needs
Chemotherapy and Supportive Care treatment and eye surgery.
SUPRIYA MANDAL is Just 2.5 Year's old girl suffering from cancer and tumer [xeroderma skin diseases] she needs
Chemotherapy and Supportive Care treatment and eye surgery.
she is getting treatment in TATA Hospital. Mumbai.
The estimated Cost of the treatment is Rs.6,00,000.00 (Six lakhs Rupees)
Supriya Mandal is Just 2.5 Year's old girl from Bangal who has been diagnosed
with cancer and tumer.
The patient's family is from a rural background with low socioeconomic status. Due to the long stay in the hospital,
the family is finding it difficult to manage the financial burden of treatment. His father is the only one who is an earning
member. His salary is not enough for their day-to-day life. Meanwhile, this treatment cost is highly risky to face the expenses.
Hence this case was referred to us for financial assistance by tata Hospitals.
The child belongs to a poor family. Please come forward and help this child.
CHILDREN’S HELP AND HELPAGE FOUNDATION. is non profitable organization which works for Education,
Health Protection of small children and other than this we work for early symptoms and other causes
that are responsible for Heart Disease, Cancer and other major disease.
1. Donation to CHILDREN’S HELP AND HELPAGE FOUNDATION. will be exempted
from Tax Benefitunder section 80G under Income Tax Act 1960.
2. You will receive NGO receipt
and tax benefit receipt hand delivered to you or by courier with 15-20 days or via email.
3. You can make a family smile at the end of the day. Donation to children’s help and helpage foundation are Eligible for 50% tax Exemption under 80G of income Tax act 1950 THE CHEQUE / DD HAS TO BE IN THE FAVOUR OF “CHILDREN’S HELP AND HELPAGE FOUNDATION”
About the Fundraiser.
I am Anil mandal , father of my precious two and half -year-old daughter,
Supriya Mandal,the best thing that has ever happened in our lives and
who is unlike any other two and half -year-old. She is a fighter who is battling
a relapsed case of tumer and cancer,at the Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai.
Supriya was diagnosed with this zero durma and tumer in August 2023
and since then, she has been undergoing multiple rigorous treatments,
including immunotherapy. Unfortunately she also developed cancer along
with the tumor, Because her treatment was done in Bangal,
instead of Mumbai and her disease did not dying, her disease progressed
rapidly. and she now urgently needs a tumer and cancer surgery
Despite extensive searches, we have yet to find a perfect match for her tumer and
cancer surgry.In this dire situation, my wife or I will be her donor, as we share a
50% match with Supriya. However, she can undergo this life-saving sergery only
once we have procured the funds. We have very little time to raise the entire amount.
We are counting on your help to fund the tumer and cancer surgery my daughter needs.
Please donate generously and share this fundraiser with your networks. We appreciate
your generous contribution that will be used for Supriya’s medical expenses and are forever
grateful for every donation during these challenging times.